Rockland County Urges Resident To Conserve Water

ROCKLAND COUNTY, N.J. -- Rockland County residents and businesses are being asked by County Executive Ed Day and Commissioner of Health Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert to pay particular attention to saving water.

Rockland County residents and businesses are being asked to conserve water following a few months without rainfall.

Rockland County residents and businesses are being asked to conserve water following a few months without rainfall.

Photo Credit: Flickr

"Rockland County has experienced below-average rainfall and near-record temperatures," said Day. "It's important for all residents to conserve water at home, at work and even when recreating outdoors."

Below-average rainfall in July, and particularly in August, has begun to stress Rockland's water resources. Reduced rainfall means less water to replenish both ground water and surface water reserves. "Though this has not yet resulted in a critical water supply situation, reducing water use now will help to ensure we don't run into trouble if rainfall stays below average as we head into fall and early winter," said Ruppert.

The Health Department offers some tips to save water:

• Repair leaking toilets, and consider replacing older toilets which can use far more water.

• Only flush the toilet when necessary, and never use the toilet as a wastebasket.

• Use a low-flow showerhead, and take short showers instead of tub baths.

• Avoid running the shower while shampooing or soaping. Many water saving shower heads come with a button to shut off flow.

• Turn off the water while shaving or brushing your teeth.

• Run your washer only with a full load of clothes.

• Install faucet aerators on all of your faucets.

• Wash fruits and vegetables in a bowl of water instead of under a running faucet.

• Turn off the faucet when hand-washing dishes.

• Use your dishwasher only when it is full, and use the shortest cycle that gets the dishes clean.

• Don't run the tap each time to let the water get cold for drinking. Keep a pitcher chilled in the refrigerator.

• Turn off your automatic sprinklers for the season.

• Wash your car using a bucket. Use a self-closing nozzle on the hose so it runs only when needed.

• Sweep your driveway or walkway instead of washing it with a hose.

For more water saving tips from the Health Department, visit:

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