
Illegal Discharge

Chaotic Incident In Region Leads To Arrest For Reckless Endangerment Chaotic Incident In Region Leads To Arrest For Reckless Endangerment
Chaotic Incident In Region Leads To Arrest For Reckless Endangerment An alarming sequence of events unfolded in Orange County, leading to the arrest of an 18-year-old local man after police debunked a reported gunfire incident. The incident occurred in Crawford on Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 7 p.m. when  Crawford Police were called to a residence at 554 Drexel Drive following reports of gunfire.  Crawford Police Chief Dominick Blasko said officers initially detained three men who were clearing the contents of the house. The men claimed that another man pulled up to the stop sign, exited a vehicle with a rifle, and offered to sell it to them…