
New York State Index of Consumer Sentiment

Brand-New Poll Reveals Shift In NYers' Consumer Sentiment Brand-New Poll Reveals Shift In NYers' Consumer Sentiment
Brand-New Poll Reveals Shift In NYers' Consumer Sentiment New Yorkers are feeling more optimistic about the economy, according to a new Siena College poll released Wednesday, Sept. 14. The New York State Index of Consumer Sentiment was up 9.1 points to 70.8 in the third quarter of 2022, the poll found. That’s 12.6 points above the nation’s Index of 58.2. The current index rose nearly 12 points from the previous quarter to 64.1 and the future index increased nearly eight points from 67.6 to 75.2, researchers found. Future confidence in the state is 17.2 points higher than the nation’s 58.0. “New Yorkers’ collective sentiment continues to o…