
Daniel N. Montesdeoca

19-Year-Old Charged In Hudson Valley Sex Crimes Case 19-Year-Old Charged In Hudson Valley Sex Crimes Case
19-Year-Old Accused Of Enticing Child To Perform Sex Acts In A 19-year-old man has been charged with allegedly inducing a child under 17 to perform sexual acts in the Hudson Valley. Daniel N. Montesdeoca, age 19, of New York City, was arrested on Thursday, April 11, in connection with a recent investigation into the sexual performance of a child. Montesdeoca was taken into custody after a month-long investigation by the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office Detective Bureau.  At this time, he is accused of inducing a child less than 17 years old to perform sexual acts over the Internet, said Capt. John Watterson of the Dutchess County Sheriff's Offi…