Righetti ‘will rape and kill again’ if released

The nighmare hasn’t ended for Kim Montelaro’s family, even though her killer was denied parole again this week.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot
Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot
Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot

Several times the past two decades, they’ve had to go to Trenton to urge the state Parole Board not to release Christopher Righetti, who raped and murdered Kim 33 years ago. Each time, they relive the nightmare.

In the CLIFFVIEWPILOT story “Enough Already,” several people last month pleaded for an end to the torture. Now, the head of a grass-roots group that played a huge role in getting Righetti’s release denied has written a passionate letter asking the board to deny the remorseless killer another shot at freedom for at least 30 years.

If Bob Schroeder convinces the panel, it would mean a lot to Kim’s parents, who are both in their 70s.

Here is the letter in full….

Bob Schoeder, left, with the Montelaros (Paul, Alice & Anthony)

“First, allow me to thank you for heeding the overwhelming concern of the community and denying parole to Christopher Righetti, prisoner #59431.

“While this decision is a step in the right direction, there is still more that needs to be done in order to keep our community safe from this dangerous, unrepentant killer.  I am calling upon you to withhold Righetti’s eligibility for parole for at least another 30 years.  

“Our justice system is not perfect, but it is still the best in the world, and it should be respected. Christopher Righetti was sentenced to Life in Prison for his brutal crime against Kim Montelaro.  Even though he was a teenager at the time of the crime, it was not the first time he had raped a woman at knifepoint.

He demonstrated a total disregard for the law and for human life from a very early age: I do not believe that is the type of person that can ever be rehabilitated.  Even so, he was given a second chance at rejoining society after raping his first victim, but he chose to commit the same crime again.  He will not change, and if he is ever released, he will rape and kill again.

“Through my website,, I collected over 1200 letters from the community, calling for Righetti to remain in prison.  Like me, many of the people who wrote in still remember the horror surrounding Kim Montelaro’s abduction, rape and murder, and never want to see it repeated.

Christopher Righetti

Neighbors of Christopher Righetti wrote to us about how he terrorized and menaced the community for years with his violent behavior. Parents of children who were murdered expressed the anguish they feel every single day, and how we must take steps to ensure that Righetti does not inflict that pain on anyone else ever again. We also received letters from Kim’s friends and former classmates, recalling Kim Montelaro as a wonderful young lady with a promising future. 

“Having that future cut short was a tragic event for our entire community, but the ones who have suffered the most are her parents, Tony and Alice, and her brother, Paul.  I had the opportunity to meet them before they testified to the Parole Board on August 12th [Editor’s Note: PHOTO ABOVE], and I will never forget the pain I saw in their eyes. The Montelaros were given a Life sentence—Life without Kim—with no chance for parole.  Justice demands that Righetti be given the same sentence that he meted out to the Montelaro Family. 

“Please, do not allow Righetti to be eligible for parole for at least 30 years. The Montelaros have endured enough, and the safety of an entire community should take precedence over the wishes of a convicted and unremorseful killer.


“Bob Schroeder
Councilman, Twp. of Washington


Yesterday’s story:
Parole DENIED for honor student’s killer
Previous: A gift for Kim Montelaro
Parole hearings for slain woman’s killer: Enough already
Family, supporters take fight to Trenton
Movement grows to block killer’s parole
Father of slain girl wants killer kept behind bars

PHOTO: Courtesy of the Montelaro family






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