Cliffview Pilot: Re-statement of principles

CLIFFVIEW PILOT is local and loyal, fair and honest. No secret affiliations or hidden agendas. Straight. No slant.

I grew up in North Jersey. It’s always been my center of the universe — a smart, savvy place where people aren’t easily fooled.

That’s one reason why I will never tell you I heard something from someone who heard it from someone else. Instead, you get what can and can’t be verified — from the sources at the scene or with direct knowledge of the incident.

Having a bit of an edge doesn’t hurt.

Jerry DeMarco

My goal is always to get it to you as quickly — but also as accurately — as possible. If you hear about something and you’re wondering what happened, chances are you’ll find it here — and if you don’t, please get hold of me right away.

That’s why CLIFFVIEW PILOT relies more on no-nonsense, from-the-scenes dispatches instead of days-old spokesperson reports.

Together, you and I crowd-source real-time breaking news from throughout Bergen County — crimes, crashes, fires, alerts, arrests, whatever’s hot, whatever people want to share NOW. In that and many other ways, I’m not like traditional “legacy” media. Most times when something is news around here, it’s news to them.

Not to us, thanks to all of you.

As many of you already know: I’m not in the business of exposes or “gotchas.” By singling out a target, you are also going after that person’s family, friends, co-workers and others who know him/her better than you ever will. We have authorities skilled in pursuing individuals for misdeeds. Better to get out of the way and let them do their jobs.

Make no mistake, though: If evidence of favoritism or unfair treatment comes to light, I’m all over it. I NEVER turn a blind eye to anything.

CLIFFVIEW PILOT follows some other principles that may at first seem unusual, given how a great deal of the media around here behave.

There’s absolutely no badgering of the bereaved. The only funerals we cover involve police officers, firefighters or other public servants so widely known in the community that their passing demands such a tribute. Still, there are rules: (1) We keep a respectful distance; and (2) The family must OK it first. Otherwise, we don’t go.

We also do all we can to find out about predators in your midst, so that your take steps to protect your children. We also promote causes that help those in need.

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I made my bones as a newsman covering cops and courts. I exposed wrongdoing, put bad guys in prison and won local and national awards for investigative reporting. I also ran a “Law & Order” team that, among its accomplishments, forced a New Jersey attorney general from office. My work helped make multi-use buildings safer, tightened regulations for the use of public housing money and exposed lax security on the George Washington Bridge.

In doing this, I learned that I was better off — as are you — by giving the proper authorities what I had and letting them take it from there. They do their job; I do mine.

In turn, I continue to build a contact/source base that I would put up against anyone’s in the tri-state area, much less New Jersey.

They range from the street to the very top of their respective agencies. They know the real story, and they trust me with it. They’re honest, reliable and dedicated. And they’re everywhere (at least it seems that way, doesn’t it?).

But that’s not what puts CLIFFVIEW PILOT over the top.

It’s YOU.

I respect all that you do, and I will never stop working to earn — and hold — your trust.

So when you see or hear something, email or call me. Same thing if a tip or rumor needs checking out.

If you’ve got the scoop on something that happened minutes ago, get hold of me RIGHT NOW. If you know of a crime that’s been committed, or a wrong that needs righting, don’t hesitate.

Be part of the network in any shape or form you want — publicly or privately. Makes no difference to me.

If you’re interested in writing, shooting photos or participating in any way, I’ve got a solid editor for you — me. Just be sure to leave opinions behind and see the world with fresh eyes.

I’ll try to produce stories whenever I can. I’ll also give FULL CREDIT to anyone who helps make that happen.

And PLEASE don’t hesitate to check whether I’ve been able to nail your particular tip. With all that goes on in Bergen every day, I can lose track. If something doesn’t add up or bothers or troubles you, call, text, email, send a carrier pigeon, Pony Express, tom-toms, etc. Your choice.

If you’ve been around while, THANK YOU SO MUCH.

If you’re new to CLIFFVIEW PILOT, c’mon in. Poke around. Kick the tires. Just be prepared to come back over and over again, several times in a day, even, to find out what’s news.

I promise we’ll make it worth your while.

My inbox is always open. The phone’s always on.

Trustworthy, honest and reliable. That’s me.

Local and loyal. That’s CLIFFVIEW PILOT.

YOUR kind of news site.


Jerry DeMarco
(201) 943-2794

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NOTE: The opinions contained on this site are just that — opinions. No representations or warranties are made with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the content of this website. All liability from the use or misuse is hereby expressly disclaimed.


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