With the arrival of winter, so, too, comes the risk of developing frostbite. Frostbite occurs when your body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures, causing the loss of feeling and color in affected areas. Frostbite can result in serious and sometimes permanent bodily injury. Severe cases of frostbite can lead to amputation of the affected area.Signs and symptoms of frostbite ...
Pelvic floor disorders are common problems facing women, and many do not seek medical help. These disorders can result from a variety of medical conditions as well as normal changes associated with childbirth and aging.Pelvic floor disorders may cause sexual dysfunction, vaginal pain or discomfort, fecal/urinary incontinence and abdominal discomfort. Many women experience significant ...
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated four to six percent of U.S. children and adolescents are affected by food allergies. A food allergy occurs when the body has a particular and reproducible immune response to certain foods. One of the most common food allergies among U.S. children is nuts.Allergic reactions to nuts range in a variety of ...
Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative joint disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a slow progressive destruction of cartilage and bone that can cause significant pain, stiffness and decreased function. It generally occurs in people over 50 years old and the risk increases with age. The knee, a weight-bearing joint, is the most commonly affected joint due to the ...
As a teenager enters the exam room for their yearly checkup at their doctor’s office, chances are his or her physician will ask if they are familiar with the sexually transmitted disease human papillomavirus, most commonly known as HPV. Over the years, there has been a rise in the discussion of HPV amongst families, adolescents and physicians. And why wouldn’t there be? According to the ...
Women undergoing single or double mastectomy as part of their breast cancer treatment have the option to select an advanced microsurgical plastic surgery technique – the DIEP flap – for autologous tissue breast reconstruction. DIEP is an acronym for Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator, the system of lower abdominal wall blood vessels that are used to perfuse the tissue for the ...
According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, approximately 7.5 million people in the U.S. have psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that speeds up the growth cycle of skin cells causing the development of thick red plaques on the skin with overlying silvery scales. Plaques are typically found on the elbows, knees, lower back and scalp; however, psoriasis can develop ...
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated six to 12 million lice infestations occur each year in the U.S. among children three to 11 years of age. Head lice, or Pediculus humanus capitis, is a parasitic insect that is spread by close person-to-person contact.Head lice are transmitted through lice attaching their eggs to the base of the hair shaft ...
With the start of the new school year just around the corner, now is a great time to start preparing your family to make the transition back to school smooth and easy.Here are some helpful tips to get the whole family organized ahead of the back-to-school rush:1. Sleep schedule: Kids tend to sleep in and stay up later during the summer. Getting them back on a regular sleep schedule now ...
Pain management is designed to treat chronic pain and allows a person to live a full, enjoyable life. Chronic pain is pain that lasts more than three to six months or pain beyond the point of tissue healing. Some forms of chronic pain can be linked to an identifiable cause, such as degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis or spondylolisthesis. Other forms have no clear cause, such as ...