
Penn State Command and Leadership

New Lyndhurst Chief Zeroes In On Quality-Of-Life Issues, Safety, Police/Public Relationships New Lyndhurst Chief Zeroes In On Quality-Of-Life Issues, Safety, Police/Public Relationships
New Lyndhurst Chief Zeroes In On Quality-Of-Life Issues, Safety, Police/Public Relationships New Lyndhurst Police Chief Richard Jarvis Jr. isn’t wasting time setting the tone of his administration, beginning with preserving the quality of life for residents and merchants. Improving relations between police and the public is also a priority for Jarvis, a former lieutenant who was sworn to run the department last week. The new chief already has a list of goals that include: Aggressively targeting speeders, with “a specific concentration on residential streets, school zones and in high pedestrian areas”; Using both enforcement and education to address the growing number of pedestria…