Former Montclair day school teacher sentenced for distributing violent child porn

YOU READ IT HERE FIRST: A former seventh-grade science teacher and swim coach at Montclair’s Kimberley Academy day school was sentenced to 97 months in federal prison — more than eight years — today after admitting that he trafficked in online images and videos of pre-pubescent children being sexually abused, sometimes violently.

Photo Credit: Essex County Jail

Brian Stern (MUGSHOT: Essex County Jail)

Federal agents arrested Brian Stern in May 2011 after detectives from the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office discovered that he distributed images of children under 12 years old in sadistic and violent situations.

Some were being restrained and sexually abused, they said.

Stern, 35, now of Plantation, Fla., pleaded guilty to receiving and distributing kiddie porn in April.

In addition to the prison term, U.S. District Judge Susan D. Wigenton sentenced Stern to five years of supervised release.

Stern also will be required to register as a Megan’s Law sex offender.

U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman credited special agents of the FBI Newark Division’s Cyber Crime Task Force and detectives from Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn A. Murray’s Cyber Crimes Unit with making the case, which was handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney Adam N. Subervi of the Fishman’s Criminal Division in Newark.

Stern taught middle-school science at the Kimberly Academy for nearly six years, beginning in 2003, then took a year off to travel abroad before returning in September 2009.  He also worked with youngsters during the summer at Camp Canadensis in Pennsylvania, roughly 20 miles from New Jersey in the Pocono Mountains.

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