
Old Navy

WILD PURSUIT: Car Thief Pulled From Frigid Meadowlands Creek Is Violent Career Criminal WILD PURSUIT: Car Thief Pulled From Frigid Meadowlands Creek Is Violent Career Criminal
Wild Pursuit: Car Thief Pulled From Frigid Meadowlands Creek Is Violent Career Criminal UPDATE: A Union City man who jumped into a frigid Meadowlands creek during a dramatic police chase is an ex-con with nearly 50 arrests in no fewer than five North Jersey counties over the past 35 years. Career criminal Gregory Calvo, 53, is the very embodiment of the phrase “known to police.” He's been convicted nearly two dozen times in Bergen, Hudson, Passaic, Morris and Essex counties since 1989 – for offenses that include robbery, theft, burglary, drug dealing, domestic violence and aggravated assault -- and has been in and out of state prison and county jails since that time only to be…