
Joseph Portelli

No Bail Reform In This Court: Judge Orders Accused Prospect Park Shooter From Midland Park Held No Bail Reform In This Court: Judge Orders Accused Prospect Park Shooter From Midland Park Held
No Bail Reform In This Court: Judge Orders Accused Prospect Park Shooter From Midland Park Held A state court judge in Paterson has refused to release a Midland Park man charged in a Prospect Park shooting. That defendant, Rahjshone Newkirk, 23, and borough resident Tylaire Clark, 22, had been sought by police after two people reported being shot at on Hopper Street around 6 p.m. Feb. 2, Passaic County Prosecutor Camelia M. Valdes and Prospect Park Police Chief Ammen Matari said in a joint release. Their vehicle was struck, but the victims’ weren’t wounded, they said. Borough police nabbed Newkirk on North 8th Street last Thursday, May 12.  Despite a state bail reform law that …