
Michael DeMarco

Paterson Police Take Councilman Into Custody For Violating Wife's Restraining Order Paterson Police Take Councilman Into Custody For Violating Wife's Restraining Order
Paterson Police Take Councilman Into Custody For Violating Wife's Restraining Order Paterson Councilman Luis Velez was taken into custody outside Tuesday night's City Council meeting by authorities who said he violated a restraining order obtained by his wife, according to several reports. Velez, who represents the 5th Ward, reportedly was issued a summons and released after being accused of threatening his wife, Evelyn Sanchez, during a phone call with another person. The couple has dueled publicly, with each accusing the other of domestic violence. Velez "got another woman," Sanchez posted on Facebook. "I found a text." The fourth-degree disorderly charges don't affect…