
Trampoline Park

HIGH-ANGLE RESCUE: Six Kids At Wayne Trampoline Park Hoisted Up Shaft After Elevator Stalls HIGH-ANGLE RESCUE: Six Kids At Wayne Trampoline Park Hoisted Up Shaft After Elevator Stalls
High-angle Rescue: Six Kids At Wayne Trampoline Park Hoisted Up Shaft After Elevator Stalls HEROES: Six youngsters who found themselves trapped between floors when an elevator jammed at a trampoline park in Wayne had to be hoisted up the shaft one at a time by firefighters. The elevator car "was stuck near the ground floor and the doors wouldn't open" for the youngsters, ages 10 to 14, who'd gone to the Rockin' Jump around 5 p.m. Friday, April 15, Police Detective Capt. Dan Daly said. "A technician was called and attempted to operate the elevator from a control panel without success," Daly said. The kids had been stranded nearly an hour when the Wayne Fire Department's Special Re…