
Danielle Chavis

Teaneck Basketball Coach Says Old Tappan Players Used Racial Slurs, Pulls Team Off Court Teaneck Basketball Coach Says Old Tappan Players Used Racial Slurs, Pulls Team Off Court
Teaneck Basketball Coach Says Old Tappan Players Used Racial Slurs, Pulls Team Off Court While an investigation of a report that freshman basketball players at Northern Valley Regional High School at Old Tappan used racial slurs against a visiting team from Teaneck continues, some parents on both sides are wondering how it will affect their youngsters. Coach Owen Barnes pulled his team off the court with three minutes left on Tuesday after the alleged behavior continued unchecked by referees, opposing coaches or anyone at the home school, one parent said. Officials with the NVRHS district said Wednesday that they’d gotten no reports from their side of any slurs being heard -- b…