
Heart surgery

Georgetown Hoops Legend Kevin Braswell Dies Weeks After Heart Surgery In Japan Georgetown Hoops Legend Kevin Braswell Dies Weeks After Heart Surgery In Japan
Georgetown Hoops Legend Kevin Braswell Dies Weeks After Heart Surgery In Japan Former Georgetown basketball star and Baltimore native Kevin Braswell has died at 46, leaving behind a lasting legacy on and off the court. Braswell, who played at Georgetown from 1998 to 2002 before embarking on a long professional career overseas, passed away in Japan weeks after undergoing heart surgery, according to the Utsunomiya Brex, the team he was coaching in the country’s domestic league. 【お知らせ】3/23(日) KEVIN BRASWELL Memorial Ceremony 開催3/23(日) 17:45頃から日環アリーナ栃木にて2/24に永眠したケビン・ブラスウェル ヘッドコーチのお別れの会として、KEVIN BRASWELL Memorial Ceremonyを開催します。… pic.twitter.com/MpjS2cQbkc — 宇都宮ブレックス / …
Dental Procedure Caused Strokes For NJ Electrical Worker Facing Long Road To Recovery Dental Procedure Caused Strokes For NJ Electrical Worker Facing Long Road To Recovery
Dental Procedure Caused Strokes For NJ Electrical Worker Facing Long Road To Recovery Union members and other friends of a Mercer County electrical worker are rallying to support him in his medical recovery. George Dipsey Jr., of East Windsor, suffered two strokes after unknowingly having a bacterial growth and infection on his heart, according to his cousin, Al Dipsey of Little Falls. It is suspected the bacterial infection started following a dental procedure. George needs heart surgery and a valve replacement after the infection goes down, his cousin said. "George is a fighter and is strong and determined to get well. That being said he is facing a very difficult road a…