
Betsy Ross Bridge

Tolls Increase On These 4 Bridges Between NJ, PA For First Time Since 2011 Tolls Increase On These 4 Bridges Between NJ, PA For First Time Since 2011
Tolls Increase On These 4 Bridges Between NJ, PA For First Time Since 2011 Tolls are going up on four Delaware River Port Authority bridges between New…
Tolls Going Up On Atlantic City Expressway Tolls Going Up On Atlantic City Expressway
Tolls Going Up On Atlantic City Expressway Tolls on the Atlantic City Expressway are going up next year, officials said on Thursday, Nov. 17. Starting Jan. 1,…
Purported Jumper Reported On Betsy Ross Bridge (DEVELOPING) Purported Jumper Reported On Betsy Ross Bridge (DEVELOPING)
Purported Jumper Reported On Betsy Ross Bridge (Developing) UPDATE: Police say they didn't receive any information related to this incident. ***Original…