
VFW Post 809

Hero's Welcome Surprises Rookie Little Ferry Police Officer Deployed Overseas Hero's Welcome Surprises Rookie Little Ferry Police Officer Deployed Overseas
Hero's Welcome Surprises Rookie Little Ferry Police Officer Deployed Overseas Steve Linde was a full-fledged Little Ferry police officer all of a week when he was deployed to Africa with the U.S. Army National Guard early this year. He returned Friday to a hero's welcome. The 25-year-old borough native was hired as a police officer in November of last year, passed his field training and hit the street -- but not for long. Linde, who was graduated from Montclair State University in 2016, enlisted with the National Guard a year earlier for a six-year hitch that ends in February 2021. He was deployed on Feb. 4 to the country of Djibouti in the Horn of Africa and condu…