
Wood Funeral Home

Sudden Death Of Oakcrest High School Assistant Principal Spreads Shock, Sadness Sudden Death Of Oakcrest High School Assistant Principal Spreads Shock, Sadness
Oakcrest High School Assistant Principal AJ Barchetto Dies A New Jersey community was mourning the sudden loss of a high school administrator and father of five. Andrew "AJ" Barchetto, 46, died unexpectedly on Sunday, Sept. 22, according to family members and his obituary on the Wood Funeral Home website. Barchetto was the assistant principal of Oakcrest High School, where he also served as the supervisor of special education and child study team, the school's website says. OHS Principal Michael Manning shared the following with Daily Voice: Oakcrest is coping as well as could be hoped. Mr. Barchetto was a trusted and loved administrator. He was …