
Winslow Motor Hotel

HEROES: Lyndhurst Officers Reel In Teen Thief Hanging Off Motel Balcony HEROES: Lyndhurst Officers Reel In Teen Thief Hanging Off Motel Balcony
Heroes: Lyndhurst Officers Reel In Teen Thief Hanging Off Motel Balcony A Lyndhurst police officer held on tight as a combative 17-year-old suspect dangled from the second-floor balcony of a local motel. The Clifton teen had ditched a stolen bicycle and run up the exterior stairs of the Winslow Motor Hotel with Officer Michael D’Alessandro on his tail, Detective Lt. Vincent Auteri said. The bicycle belonged to a young boy who’d asked the officer for help getting it back after it had just been taken, the lieutenant said. Although police initially lost sight of the thief, a tracking device brought them to the Rutherford Avenue motel just off eastbound Route 3, h…