
Punish a Muslim Day

'Punish A Muslim Day' Reports Prompt Quick Latimer Condemnation 'Punish A Muslim Day' Reports Prompt Quick Latimer Condemnation
'Punish A Muslim Day' Reports Prompt Quick Latimer Condemnation Westchester County Executive George Latimer said, “Reports of a ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ are vile, wrong and have no place in our society. It is not who we are and it is not who we strive to be – as a local community, a state or as a nation."  Police patrols are being stepped up at New York mosques and Islamic centers in response to fears that a viral anti-Muslim campaign that originated in the United Kingdom will spread to New York. In March, a letter began circulating in the U.K. that said Tuesday, April 3 had been designated Punish a Muslim Day. It laid out a points-based reward system…