Lakeland Girl Scouts Complete Friendship Project

YORKTOWN, N.Y. - Nicole Marques, Leah Frattellone, and Kelly Weinborg are all former students of Lincoln-Titus Elementary School, a school that helped them to learn the meaning of friendship, according to the trio.

For that reason, the girls paid their former elementary school a visit for their Girl Scout Silver Award, and built a Whirligig in the entrance of the school.

"They chose Lincoln Titus because each of them had attended Lincoln Titus, and the Whirligig represented their friendships," explained Lakeland spokesperson Jim Van Develde. The Lakeland administration and school board saluted the girls at the board meeting last week for their service to the school.

The trio, who each became friends as students at the school, also cleared the garden in the front of the school, and then replanted in the front garden bed. To create the Whirligig, they designed, created and installed it. 

Still friends, Frattellone and Marques now attend Walter Panas High School, and Weinborg is a student at Lakeland High School.

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