Assemblyman Steve Katz Wants DMV To Stop Selling Personal Data

YORKTOWN, N.Y. -- Assemblyman Steve Katz (R,C-Yorktown) is calling on the state Legislature to ban the Department of Motor Vehicles from selling New Yorkers’ private information to the highest bidders.

Assemblyman Steve Katz

Assemblyman Steve Katz

Photo Credit: File

The DMV reportedly made $60 million from the sale of such data last year.

“This is a gross violation of privacy,” Katz said.

“The DMV shouldn’t be profiting off of information we are legally required to give them. This information should be used solely for services such as safety recalls. We don’t know who is purchasing this information, if there is a bidding process, or what they’re using this information for. This has to stop. In our last dozen or so days left in Albany, this has to be an issue that gets resolved before we adjourn for the year.”

To sign the petition urging Albany to prohibit these sales, click here

Katz is currently reviewing all legislative options available, including signing onto or introducing his own legislation to deal with this pressing issue.

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