

Sun River Health Expert Explains Sexual Health & STIs Sun River Health Expert Explains Sexual Health & STIs
Sun River Health Expert Explains Sexual Health & STIs Why is it important to talk about sexual health? Sexual health is an important part of everyone’s health and wellbeing. Many people are wary of talking about sexual health with their primary care provider, but at Sun River Health, we strive to normalize the conversation. Our goal is to increase sexual health literacy, promote engagement, and make sure that everyone has the opportunity to be in the best health. Sexual health care should be tailored to the individual patient’s needs in order to provide equitable and culturally sensitive care. The benefits of taking care of your sexual health …
Stay Safe During Pneumonia Season With Help From Sun River Health Stay Safe During Pneumonia Season With Help From Sun River Health
Stay Safe During Pneumonia Season With Help From Sun River Health As cold and flu season continues, the last thing you want to deal with is pneumonia. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to prevent getting pneumonia, and some great at-home treatments to eliminate it if you’ve already been diagnosed. Prevention The number one action step to help you prevent getting pneumonia is to get your flu shot every year. Seasonal influenza (the flu) is a common cause of pneumonia, so getting your flu shot is a great way to help prevent it. It’s also important to remember to wash your hands frequently, especially after blowing your nose, using the bathroom…
Most Strokes Are Preventable Most Strokes Are Preventable
Most Strokes Are Preventable What is a stroke? Your brain needs oxygen to function, and it receives oxygen in the blood. If something like a clot deprives your brain of the oxygen it needs, your brain cells will die, along with the functions they control, such as memory, movement, or speech. This is a stroke. According to the American Stroke Association, stroke is the leading cause of adult disability and the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S., affecting 800,000 people annually. The good news is that up to 80 percent of strokes are preventable. The sooner you receive a diagnosis and begin treatment, the greater a…