
Knee Pain

Sun River Health Expert Talks Knee Pain Sun River Health Expert Talks Knee Pain
Sun River Health Expert Talks Knee Pain Knee pain is a common predicament that affects people of all ages. Most types of minor knee pain respond well to self-care, but some cases may require medical expertise. Let’s talk a little more about what causes knee pain and how to talk with your doctor about it. Causes and Symptoms Knee pain is usually either the result of an injury, such as an ACL injury, a fracture, or torn meniscus, or a medical condition, like arthritis. The location and severity of knee pain may vary, depending on the cause. Signs and symptoms include: Swelling and stiffness in the knee Redness and warmth to the t…
Sun River Health Doctor Discusses Knee Pain Sun River Health Doctor Discusses Knee Pain
Sun River Health Doctor Discusses Knee Pain Knee pain is a common predicament that affects people of all ages. Most types of minor knee pain respond well to self-care, but some cases may require medical expertise. Let’s talk a little more about what causes knee pain and how to talk with your doctor about it. Causes and Symptoms Knee pain is usually either the result of an injury, such as an ACL injury, a fracture, or torn meniscus, or a medical condition, like arthritis. The location and severity of knee pain may vary, depending on the cause. Signs and symptoms include: Swelling and stiffness in the knee Redness and warmth to the t…
Aching Knees? Learn About Your Options At Northern Westchester Hospital's Free Knee Seminar Aching Knees? Learn About Your Options At Northern Westchester Hospital's Free Knee Seminar
Aching Knees? Learn About Your Options At Northern Westchester Hospital's Free Knee Seminar When did you first notice the pain? Carrying a child? After doing one extra lap around the track? Climbing stairs? There’s the audible creak as you bend the knee, the ache, maybe even the swelling. About 600,000 knee replacements are performed in the United States every year. While this can be a life-changing option for many, it isn’t necessarily the only option. To share more about what you can do for your knee pain, Northern Westchester Hospital is hosting a free seminar on September 19, at 6 p.m., in the first floor conference center. The hospital’s orthopedic experts are once again part…