
Interventional cardiology

When 90 Minutes Matter: NWH’s Cardiac Catheterization Lab Makes The Difference When 90 Minutes Matter: NWH’s Cardiac Catheterization Lab Makes The Difference
When 90 Minutes Matter: NWH’s Cardiac Catheterization Lab Makes The Difference Interventional cardiology. You may not be familiar with those two words, but if you or a loved one ever come to Northern Westchester Hospital in the midst of a heart attack, you will hear them and know that you’re getting the best of specialized care in the hospital’s cardiac catheterization lab—part of the Seema Boesky Heart Center. According to the American Medical Association, interventional cardiology is a “subspecialty of cardiology that deals specifically with the catheter-based treatment of heart diseases.” Since the 1980s this subspecialty has saved countless lives and helped ma…
Superior Care Close To Home At NYP Lawrence Cardiac Catheterization Lab Superior Care Close To Home At NYP Lawrence Cardiac Catheterization Lab
Superior Care Close To Home At NYP Lawrence Cardiac Catheterization Lab WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N.Y. -- Residents living in Westchester are receiving superior heart care close to home at the NewYork-Presbyterian Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital. “In this day and age, the majority of the procedures we do in the Cath Lab are extremely safe, quick and useful,” said Mark A. Apfelbaum, MD, Director of the NewYork-Presbyterian System Cardiac Catheterization Labs at the Center for Interventional Vascular Therapy at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center as well as Director of the Cath Lab at NewYork-Pres…