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Stepinac High To Dedicate Lab To Longtime Teacher

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. -- Archbishop Stepinac High School recently announced that it will dedicate a new physics lab to longtime faculty member Ron Tedesco to recognize his achievements throughout his 50 years during a retirement reception on Thursday, May 8. 

“After teaching physics for so many years at Stepinac, I am deeply touched with this recognition from the school,” Tedesco said. “Over the last 50 years, I have had a vested interest in the success of Stepinac’s students. This new lab will continue to help students progress, and I am proud to be a part of that effort.”

Beginning as a freshman student in 1953, Tedesco went on to become a physics and electronics teacher, headmaster, director of alumni affairs and the annual fund and secretary to Stepinac’s foundation board and alumni association. Donations are currently being accepted for the Ron Tedesco Physics Lab, which will be constructed over this summer and unveiled for the start of the 2014-15 academic year. The funds will also help update the school’s other science labs. An anonymous donor will match the donations up to $100,000.

This is the fifth lab to be dedicated to Tedesco. In 2003, four science labs were renovated in his honor. “I remember Ron’s physics class like it was yesterday, He never raised his voice, and his demeanor was always perfectly calm, yet he had control over his entire classroom,” said Gerry Hatcher, operations manager of Westchester Modular Homes and a 1982 graduate of Stepinac. Tedesco resides in Tarrytown with his wife, Anne O’Brien. He has been a member of the Tarrytown Planning Board since 1988. To make a donation toward the lab, contact Dennis Buckley at 946-4800, ext, 282, or email Checks may be mailed to the school, made payable to the Stepinac Foundation and with “Ron Tedesco” indicated in the memo.

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, Stepinac High School. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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