Events To Help White Plains Students With New Schools

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – The White Plains middle school experience will be different for many students next year as a redesign plan goes into effect.

Realizing that, the White Plains Middle School Redesign Steering Committee has set up a plan for the students to get comfortable in their new schools.

In the spring, key district personnel will go with Eastview Middle School sixth-graders to visit all five elementary schools for an introduction. By the end of May, all fifth-graders will go to Eastview for a meet and greet, tour, and barbecue.

Over the summer, the fifth-graders and their parents can set up tours of Eastview Middle School to get more acquainted with it.

Highlands Middle School will host a barbecue for sixth- and seventh-graders in June as well.

During the first two days of school in the fall, students at Eastview and Highland will be acquainted with their lockers and can resolve any issues they have in getting around the school.

There also will be barbecues for them to get to know their faculty and new fellow students. On the second day, both campuses will have a Fair Day, when all of the clubs and organizations will present what they have to offer.

White Plains Superintendent Chris Clouet said at Tuesday night’s special Board of Education meeting, in which the redesign was discussed, that the new schools would be good for the students. This district has posted information about the redesign on its website.

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