White Plains Celebrates Election Of New Pope

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – White Plains residents were happy with the selection of Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina as the new pope and leader of the world's Roman Catholics on Wednesday.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected as Pope Francis I on Wednesday.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected as Pope Francis I on Wednesday.

Photo Credit: File

“I think he will be a fantastic pope,” Jen Arnold wrote on The White Plains Daily Voice Facebook page. “He will be a pope of the people, and I am happy with the choice.”

The College of Cardinals confirmed the election of Bergoglio, 76, as Pope Francis at the Vatican. Among the 1.2 billion Catholics in the world, 480 million are from Argentina, according to 

“Who cares where the pope is from as long as he does a good job and makes the morally correct decisions for all the people, not just his,” Jarrod Brown wrote on the Facebook page.

Pope Benedict XVI retired Feb. 11 at age 85. He cited infirmity and advanced age and said he could no longer perform his duties. He was the first pope in nearly 700 years to resign.

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