
Physical Rehabilitation

HRHCare Offers Advice On Caring For A Sprained Ankle HRHCare Offers Advice On Caring For A Sprained Ankle
Hrhcare Offers Advice On Caring For A Sprained Ankle During the summer, awkward moments when you lose your balance on a hike, playing sports or even just taking a stroll can sometimes result in an ankle sprain. They are one of the most common injuries – around 25,000 people sprain their ankle every day! So, if you find yourself with a sprained ankle, here are some helpful tips to get you back on your feet in no time. What Is a Sprained Ankle? An ankle sprain happens when one or more ligaments on the outside of the ankle are stretched or torn. The most common type of sprain is called an inversion sprain, when the ankle is rolled inward and the…