
Baby Health

Why Do Babies Cry? Some Much-Needed Answers Why Do Babies Cry? Some Much-Needed Answers
Why Do Babies Cry? Some Much-Needed Answers Crying is the main way babies express themselves Newborns routinely cry a total of 1-4 hours a day. Crying spells often peak at about 6-8 weeks and then gradually decrease. Reasons babies cry: Hungry Tired Need a diaper change Want to be held Too cold/too warm Overtired/overstimulated Sick Helps them de-stress Sometimes they don’t know why they cry Is it colic? Colic usually follows the rules of 3s: starts around 3 weeks of age and lasts until 3 months of age crying 3 or more hours a day, 3 or more days a week, for 3 or more weeks, in an otherwise healthy infant Crying associated wit…