Two Young Entrepreneurs Travel East, Settle in Somers

SOMERS, N.Y. - Jack Wang, 24, and James Ie (pronounced eye-ee), 23, met in high school and attended the University of California, San Diego, together. Both majored in business and shortly after graduation decided to go into business for themselves. So they pooled together their savings and bought a Cartridge World franchise in Midlothian, VA.

A year later, the business doing well, they sold it to a local family and moved to New York in search of another project. After a while, they heard about a United Parcel Service store in a place called Somers. That was a year ago and so far things look good. “It's different here,” says Wang. “Where I grew up in Cupertino it’s very Asian. I’m a minority here. All in all, it’s a great experience.”

When the friends are not assisting customers in front, they are behind the scenes busy at their second job. The two have developed a website called, which specializes in sending products to college students, who often have no way to stock up locally.

The site provides beverages, snacks, instant meals, household items and care packages. They got the idea when they were students themselves, wishing they had that late night snack. Health items and school supplies are coming in the near future.

Among the site’s best customers are the students of Bentley University in Waltham, MA. “It’s at least 20 minutes to the nearest store up there, so round trip it takes about an hour,” Wang explains. A student representative at the college accepts delivery and distributes the packages.

“It’s perfect for us,” says Wang, “because we’re already in the shipping business. We keep a full inventory in the back room. Ninety percent of our orders arrive the following morning by 9:30 a.m.” Shipping is free for orders over $50. 

How do they like Somers? “Everyone has been fantastic,” says Wang. “There are a lot of stories people love to tell us. There’s a lot to learn from the older adults. We spend a lot of late nights chatting with the customers.”

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