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From Courts To Course, NWH Helps Hip Patient Get Back In The Game

For both professional and recreational athletes, nothing can derail an activity like chronic pain. One of the most common issues -- especially with older athletes -- is chronic pain in the hip and leg. 

That's exactly what happened to Bonnie, a Westchester resident, who found herself unable to live the life she always had after developing a constant pain in her hip. 

An avid skier, golfer and tennis player, Bonnie had seen her mobility slowly decrease to the point that, not only was she unable to enjoy the activities she loved, but was reduced to walking with a cane for everyday tasks. "I had apparently worn that hip down until there was nothing left," she said. "I said, 'Dr. Yasgur, I’d like to have my life back!'"

Working with Dr. David Yasgur, Director of Quality and Outcomes for the Orthopedic and Spine Institute of Northern Westchester Hospital, Bonnie underwent minimally invasive surgery to repair her hip. After undergoing a “multimodal” surgical strategy which utilizes anti-inflammatory, nerve calming medicine and nerve blocks, Bonnie was able to rehab and return to her everyday life sooner than she could have imagined.

"I've been able to do everything again," she said. "I feel like I'm 20 years old again. I have no pain and no limitations whatsoever."

Equally as important for Bonnie was receiving world-class care in a comfortable, caring and local setting. "Northern Westchester Hospital is a fabulous hospital and it's right here in our community."

Watch Bonnie's story in the video above.

For more information about hip surgery or to schedule an appointment, call (914) 666-1499 or visit NWH's website.