
William Stern

Gov. Cuomo's Former Law Firm Once Handled Leases, Real Estate Deals For Donald Trump Gov. Cuomo's Former Law Firm Once Handled Leases, Real Estate Deals For Donald Trump
Gov. Cuomo's Former Law Firm Once Handled Leases, Real Estate Deals For Donald Trump One of the most underreported facts of the current race for governor is that Andrew Cuomo of New Castle once worked for a law firm that represented Donald Trump's New York business interests. In fact, according to several news accounts, Trump was aware of Cuomo's employment, prompting a key aide to his father, then-Gov. Mario Cuomo, to complain about possible conflicts of interest. CuomoLeaks.com documents revealed by the Molinaro campaign traces current Gov. Cuomo’s pay-to-play mentality back decades, to the time he first "perfected the art of blurring money and ethics in order to pro…