
Tennis Elbow

ONS Expert Talks Gardening Injuries ONS Expert Talks Gardening Injuries
ONS Expert Talks Gardening Injuries Few people connect gardening with sports injury, but avid gardeners who enjoy clearing, planting and tending their gardens are susceptible to many of the same types of repetitive motion and overuse injuries that afflict tennis and golf enthusiasts jumping into the game after a long winter break, according to hand surgeon, David Wei, MD of Orthopaedic & Neurosurgery Specialists (ONS). Just as athletes are advised to start a new activity slowly, increasing duration and intensity at a gradual pace, the same is true for gardeners anxious to get digging into the fresh spring soil. “You…
ONS Helps Greenwich Artist Regain Her Stroke ONS Helps Greenwich Artist Regain Her Stroke
ONS Helps Greenwich Artist Regain Her Stroke Felicity Kostakis, an Old Greenwich artist, first noticed a pain in her right elbow while playing tennis. Over the course of a year, the pain invaded her day to day activities to the point that lifting clothing from the washer or taking a jar from the kitchen cabinet was excruciating.  “I began to do everything with my left hand,” said Kostakis. Even more worrisome, it interfered with her ability to paint. “I was so scared it was the end," she said. "Painting is what I do every day. It’s what I love.”  Not knowing what was wrong and fearing the worst, Kostakis made an appointme…