
Healthcare Technology

COVID-19: Companies Moving Closer To Creating Breathalyzer Test For Virus COVID-19: Companies Moving Closer To Creating Breathalyzer Test For Virus
Covid-19: Companies Moving Closer To Creating Breathalyzer Test For Virus Seven months into the global COVID-19 pandemic, some companies may be inching closer to creating a breathalyzer-type test that could potentially identify the virus. According to new reports, researchers from the United States to Israel to Finland have been working to develop non-invasive screening solutions to test for COVID-19 through gas compounds that can be identified with the device. If completed, the device would work similarly to breathalyzers that are used by police to determine one’s blood alcohol content. Researchers across the globe have been testing respiratory samples after de…
HSS Expert Explains Advances In Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery HSS Expert Explains Advances In Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
HSS Expert Explains Advances In Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Every now and again, I will see a patient in my office that had surgery for scoliosis in the 1970s and 1980s. As we talk about their spine, the conversation inevitably touches on their hospital course at the time of their surgery: several weeks in the hospital, a body cast, maybe some traction and months until they felt back to themselves. The stories are interesting because that hospital course is anachronistic today. What may be more interesting, however, is that advances in minimally invasive technology are increasingly making even the spine surgery experiences of a few years ago seem like…