Rockland Lawmaker Touts New Laws To Protect Women’s Rights

RAMAPO, N.Y. -- A series of new laws protecting women's rights, including everything from wage equality to anti-human trafficking, went in to effect Tuesday, said Assemblyman James Skoufis, D-Orange/Rockland, whose district includes Ramapo.

Assemblyman James Skoufis backed many of the new laws that offer woman in the state more protection and rights.

Assemblyman James Skoufis backed many of the new laws that offer woman in the state more protection and rights.

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The new laws will prohibit wage, housing and employment discrimination; and strengthen the state’s anti-human trafficking laws, while ensuring that victims are supported as they seek justice.

 “Too many women have watched their pay remain stagnant while their male counterparts’ wages have climbed for the same work,” Skoufis said. “These new laws will ensure more fairness and equality in our state.” 

In addition, employers must now provide reasonable accommodations to women who are pregnant or nursing and will no longer be able to deny promotions based on their family status. Further, in cases where discrimination is proved, women can now recover attorney fees. 

The new laws also strengthen protections against domestic violence and human trafficking, which disproportionately affect women. Victims can no longer be denied housing due to their status as a survivor of abuse, and now those who engage in human trafficking will face stronger penalties, Skoufis added. 

The measure also improves the state’s response to human trafficking through training initiatives for law enforcement, goes to greater lengths to protect children and ensures that victims are not treated as criminals. 

“New York is once again leading the fight for women’s equality and has set an example for the country to follow,” Skoufis said. “These new laws will ensure that those who violate these rights will be held accountable.” 

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