

COVID-19: Have Your Completed Vaccine Card? Here's What To Do Now, Whether To Laminate It COVID-19: Have Your Completed Vaccine Card? Here's What To Do Now, Whether To Laminate It
Covid-19: Have Your Completed Vaccine Card? Here's What To Do Now, Whether To Laminate It For those who have their COVID-19 vaccine regimen completed and cherish the paper card that proves it, they might want to think twice before having it laminated. Number one is to make sure you have taken a photo of the card and that all of the information is correct and shows both shots. Health officials and those at the vaccine sites will tell you that having that photo as a backup before laminating will give you a backup in case you lose your card. Or if a state or federal passport is developed, you will have a way to transfer your information. It's easy to take a photo, email it to you…