Town of Pound Ridge Ready to Tweet You

POUND RIDGE, N.Y. – Thanks to the latest technology, Pound Ridge residents can now stay on top of what is taking place in the town government, the police department, and the parks and rec department almost as soon as it happens. The Town of Pound Ridge is now tweeting on Twitter.

Previously, the town would post important or breaking information on its website. But officials discovered that during Tropical Storm Irene and the recent snowstorm when power outages hit, residents have can’t access the Internet to find out what was going on. With Twitter, those with smart phones can get instant info and updates, such as where they can find dry ice and bottled water.

“With Twitter, we felt we could send out messages about power outages and also use it for non-emergencies for things like recreation events and keep people updated,” said Steve Conti, the town’s director of finances, who will be the one doing the tweeting. “The advantage is that by following the town they can get updates on their mobile devices.”

Conti said the town will only use one Twitter account for all its departments to avoid confusion.

“We have used e-mail blasts, but this is another way to go to keep everyone informed,” he said.

To get involved, residents can go to and sign up for an account. Next, search for poundridgeny and click on “follow.”

Conti said the town will also “retweet” information to its subscribers from other sources, including The Daily Pound Ridge.

“We’ve retweeted information from other sources like News 12, such as when the county was discussing the budget,” he said.

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