If You Know A Pound Ridge Veteran, Tell Them Thanks

POUND RIDGE, N.Y. -- While we enjoy this long weekend and check out the pre-holiday store sales, we also need to show our appreciation for those who served in our country’s armed forces.

Photo Credit: Contributed

Today is their day.

For the rest of us who do not easily remember the part of our history books that explained the details, it was at the 11th hour of the 11th day in the 11th month of 1918 when the armistice was signed ending World War I, or as many who lived through it, “The War to end all Wars.”

Twenty years later, Congress recognized Nov. 11 as a legal holiday to honor those Americans who served in that conflict. After the Korean War ended, several veterans groups urged Congress to replace “Armistice” with “Veterans” to honor those who served in all conflicts and in 1968 the Uniform Holidays Bill was passed allowing Veterans Day to be one of several federal holidays providing for a three-day weekend.

Many veterans served during times of war. Some joined to see parts of the world only dreamed about while in the small towns in which they were raised. Some joined because they wanted the challenge only a stint in the military could provide. Either way, our veterans all have something in common when it comes to loyalty to service and country.

There currently are more than 23 million veterans and while most enjoy civilian life as we all do, continued appreciation for their efforts is something we should never take for granted. If someone in your family or a neighbor is a veteran, ask them about what they experienced when they served.

Some may find it difficult to talk about it, especially if they saw action. For the most part, when a veteran is given the chance to share what they did to serve, it usually helps them to know someone appreciates their sacrifice in keeping our nation free and safe.

To the residents of Pound Ridge who proudly served our country, thank you.

Laurance Baschkin is a resident of Pound Ridge.

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