
Planetary Defense

Asteroid Discovered Close To Earth: Here's What To Know Asteroid Discovered Close To Earth: Here's What To Know
Asteroid Discovered Close To Earth: Here's What To Know NASA has identified a newly discovered near-Earth asteroid which has sparked interest due to its potential for impact.  Click here for a new, updated story - Chances Of 'Riskiest Asteroid Ever Detected' Hitting Earth Increase: Here's Why According to NASA’s analysis, the asteroid, called 2024 YR4, has a more than one percent chance of colliding with Earth on Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2032 —meaning there is still about a 99% chance that it will not. The asteroid, which is estimated to be between 130 and 300 feet wide, was first detected on Friday, Dec. 27, 2024, by the NASA-funde…
NASA Simulates New York City Asteroid Hit NASA Simulates New York City Asteroid Hit
NASA Simulates New York City Asteroid Hit It was just a test. New York City was struck with an asteroid, killing more than one million. … In a simulation. In a NASA simulation of a fictional scenario, a 200-foot wide asteroid struck New York, leveling buildings and killing an estimated 1.3 million in Manhattan. The simulation was part of the “National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy and Action Plan,” which was published by the White House this week at the Planetary Defense Conference in Maryland. The simulation was held in a fictitious 2027. The asteroid would have packed a punch approximately 1,000 times the force of the…