Original members Felix Cavaliere, Eddie Brigati, Dino Danelli and Gene Cornish are reuniting for shows Dec. 13-15 and Dec. 20-22 with “Once Upon a Dream,” an event produced and directed by Steven Van Zandt.
Lighting and projection wizard Marc Brickman, who has worked with Pink Floyd, Paul McCartney, Blue Man Group and the Olympics, will be providing visual stimuli during the production.
"More than just a comeback or reunion, the show will remind audiences how uniquely inspirational, entertaining and historically important the Rascals' music is," said Van Zandt in a release. "Their music was unique not only in its greatness, but through their hit singles, they told the entire story of the '60s."
The Rascals led the way for blue-eyed soul and folk-rock/protest music with their blend of pop melodies and soulful R&B sounds. The band formed in the early 1960s, initially as the Young Rascals, in Garfield, N.J. Brigati and Cavaliere, who is a Pelham native, were the group’s songwriters. In the mid-1960s and early 1970s, the group released numerous top-10 singles, including “Good Lovin,’” “Groovin’” and “People Got To Be Free.” The band was inducted in to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997.
The shows will feature a complete concert performance by the band combined with the history of the group, told through archival footage, narration and dramatic film segments that will be viewed on the latest LED screen technology. Check out the show's Kickstarter page for a video from Van Zandt detailing the production. Tickets for each 18-and-over show can be purchased online. Ticket prices are $65, $95 and $135. A VIP Ticket package, at $499, includes one seat in the first 15 rows; an exclusive meet-and-greet photo opportunity with the band; pre-show sound check party and “tech talk” featuring Marc Brickman; one limited-edition poster autographed by the Rascals; and a post-show party at the Cap bar with finger foods and cash bar. The Capitol Theatre is at 149 Westchester Ave. For more information on the venue, visit The Capitol Theatre online.
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