
Janet Langsam

ArtsWestchester, White Plains Unveil Colorful Street Mural ArtsWestchester, White Plains Unveil Colorful Street Mural
ArtsWestchester, White Plains Unveil Colorful Street Mural White Plains Mayor Tom Roach and ArtsWestchester CEO Janet Langsam joined the community on Monday, May 14 to celebrate the completion of a new street mural on Mamaroneck and Martine avenues.  The public art project, created by well-known street artist Wayne “Wane One” Peterkin, commemorates the 20th anniversary of the arts council building. “The public art piece serves as a colorful welcome mat inviting residents and visitors to White Plains and into ArtsWestchester’s gallery, as well as our nine-story building filled with artist studios and creative businesses,” Langsam said. Marked by a …