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Pace Nursing Practitioner Director Shares Insights On Baby Scalding Death

PLEASANTVILLE, N.Y. -- Renee McLeod-Sordjan, assistant director of nurse practitioner programs at Pace University College of Health Professions, shared her insights on baby scalding deaths after a recent tragic incident in the tristate area.

A licensed nurse from Queens was charged with murder in the death of a 23-month-old girl that she was hired to care for who was taken to the hospital with burns throughout 50 percent her body several days after a bath, NBC reported. 

“As an educator, mother, clinician and advocate for patients and their families, this tragedy deeply saddens me," said McLeod-Sordjan. "The Institute of Medicine in the future of nursing calls to action for nurses to be educated to their highest level. It should be said that Ms Oluyemisi Adebayo is not a registered nurse or nurse practitioner. She is a licensed practical nurse. LPNs must have their practice supervised by registered nurses."

"Nurse Practitioners are independent licensed professionals who provide quality care and diagnose and treat patients independently in the state of New York. Nurse practitioners all have graduate educations of a master's in science and many have doctoral degrees. As an active member of the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty we support educating nurses at this highest level to prevent such tragedies in patient care.”

McLeod-Sordjan is an acute care and family nurse practitioner in practice for 19 years. Presently she is Director of the Medical Ethics Consultation service at NSLIJHS.


This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, Pace University. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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