Appreciative inquiry is a theory and practice for approaching organizational change that focuses on the positive to correct the negative. It a positive approach and takes the place of “problem-solving.”
The dean and professors from Pace University’s Lienhard School of Nursing in the College of Health Professions along with Jeanie Cockell, author of the book, “Appreciative Inquiry in Higher Education: A Transformative Force,” will address appreciative inquiry: what is it, why use it and how it is changing the culture of the School of Nursing.
All nurse educators, higher education administrators, health care professionals and health care media are welcome to join. The webinar is free of charge. The discussion will be followed by a Q&A.
The following will be the speakers at the event:
Cockell is a leader in appreciative inquiry as an organizational and community development process, a research methodology, and foundation for fostering collaboration in groups.
Harriet R. Feldman, dean of Pace University’s Lienhard School of Nursing and College of Health Professions, will address how appreciative inquiry is the foundation of Lienhard’s quality improvement process and how it relates to accreditation.
Professior Joanne Singleton, chair of the Department of Graduate Studies and Director, Doctor of Nursing Practice Program, Lienhard School of Nursing, will address how appreciative inquiry was piloted with Pace’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program and expanded to include all of the nursing school.
Professor Lin Drury, Lienhard School of Nursing, will address how it is being used on the undergraduate level.
Associate Professor Lucille Ferrara, Lienhard School of Nursing, will address how it uses a positive lens for evaluation.
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