Campaign Grades Pelham Schools On Student Performance

PELHAM, N.Y. -- The New York Campaign for Achievement Now graded the Pelham School District with an A at the high school level, B at the middle school level and B at the elementary school level when it comes to student performance.

Pelham Schools received grades from the New York Campaign for Achievement Now.

Pelham Schools received grades from the New York Campaign for Achievement Now.

Photo Credit: Chaya Babu

NYCAN released the new 2013 School and District Report Cards this week. The tool assigns each school a grade from A to F based on student student achievement scores, as well as assigning a grade for four-year cohort high school graduation rates, subgroup performance (black and Latino students), and achievement gaps (between white students and black and Latino students).

Grades were calculated using data from the 2010-11 New York State Assessments.

"We are thrilled to highlight the successes of schools and their students, but in too many instances there remains a staggering achievement gap," Executive Director Julie Marlette said in a statement. "Our goal is to ensure that every child has the opportunity be prepared for college and career by a great public school."

Based on the report card rankings, NYCAN also released Top Ten lists to recognize elementary and middle schools that have the highest achievement levels for low-income, ELL, black and Latino students.

Click here for information on the grading methodology.

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