Mixed Pelham Reactions to New Hampshire Primary

PELHAM, N.Y. – Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire Primary on Tuesday night with 39.3% of the vote, but he should not expect strong support from some Pelham residents. One thing is evident among those living in Pelham – they are not happy with the direction of the country.

“I’m very disillusioned with everyone running,” said Pat Cerreta. “I’m not happy, Democrats or Republicans. I just feel like we don’t have much of a choice.”

Cerreta believes that most people are looking for a stronger Republican candidate than the group that have sofar declared.

“People are just grasping,” the Pelham resident stated. “They wanna find somebody.” She is leaning towards Romney, but without much excitement.

“It’s really the economy,” the Republican stated. “Nobody is happy with the way things are going. I think he knows the most about it [the economy], but it’s not like I’m thrilled with him as a candidate.”

Barry Grody, a Democrat, is waiting until September before he decides whom he will vote for. However, he believes that President Obama would beat Romney.

“Polls don’t mean anything until you get to the last two months when it’s really serious,” said Grody. “So, we’ll see. It’s worthless right now. I think Obama will still win. Let’s see how the economy is, how Iran is, let’s see if I’m working.”

Dom Balestra was not surprised by Romney’s victory on Tuesday night.

“I think the field’s wide open,” said Balestra. “Gingrich might do well because it’s in the south. I think Santorum’s out. You need to do a little better.” Santorum received 9.4% and fell to fifth place in the New Hampshire primary.

Balestra believed that Ron Paul could do well in the next primary, which is in South Carolina.

“He [Paul] could do well there, but if Gingrich beats him and he will, then he’ll be out,” said the Democrat. “Only if Gingrich wins South Carolina will he still be in it. He’s gotta win South Carolina.”

He was not sure if he would vote for Obama again.

“I think I have to wait and see what happens,” he stated. “Obama, I liked him, I voted for him first time, but I think he just lacks experience, but he also doesn’t have the political capital.”

Balestra would like to see the economy fixed soon. “Right now, Washington is in a state of paralysis, and that’s hurting our economy,” he concluded. 

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