The Showtime series, which stars Paul Giamatti and Damian Lewis, is filming along Corporate Park Drive in West Harrison on Tuesday, Nov. 7, according to On Location Vacations.
The crew was in the area earlier this Fall around Bowman Ave and Polly Park Drive in Rye.
The drama, in production for its third year, is loosely based on the activities of Preet Bharara, the former Attorney for the Southern District of New York and his legal battles with hedge fund manager Steve Cohen of S.A.C. Capital Advisors.
It has filmed many times in Westchester, most notably at the Jefferson Valley Mall, Yonkers Racetrack, City Hall in White Plains, the Empire City Casino, the Westchester County Airport, and Rye Playland. Many scenes are also shot in Rockland, specifically at the former Olympus Cameras Building on Corporate Drive in Orangeburg.
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