North Salem School Drama Puts on 'Mid-Summer' Play

NORTH SALEM, N.Y. – William Shakespeare is coming to town this weekend when the North Salem Drama Club presents his popular fantasy-comedy, “A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream.” 

Drama Club co-president Anna Bartsch, gave a brief summary of the plot. “The king and the queen get into a giant argument. Everyone is in love with who they’re not supposed to love. My character, Titania, is smitten with a donkey.”

Co-president Mackenzie Ferguson, in the role of Helena, explained, “Helena is hopelessly in love with Demetrius, who is in love with someone else, who is in love with someone else.”

Irena Curanovic, co-president number three, described her character Hermia as “a very shallow girl. She knows all the guys are after her and she uses it to her advantage.”

Natalie Harde, playing Starveling the Tailor, said “Love is the driving force. It’s about falling in and out of love and how it makes them behave.”

As most teens would agree, “The course of true love never did run smooth.”

Arlie Johansen, the fourth of the four co-presidents, is the stage manager of this production. “The set is simple,” she said. “It’s just a forest background. The hardest part is trying to get things on and off the stage.”

“It took a while to choose the play because everyone likes different things,” Johansen added. Speech teacher and director Jay Krass agreed. “We had a lot of choices, but we looked for something with enough characters to include everybody. There are 18 people in this cast.”

The curtain goes up at North Salem High School at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. The suggested donation is $10 for adults, $5 for students and senior citizens.

The Saturday night audience is in for a special treat when the high school transforms to a dinner-theater. For the price of $20 per ticket, guests can see the play and enjoy a delicious meal catered by Joe LoBuono, owner of Buona Sera Restaurant in Mt. Vernon. Reservations are required and seating is limited, so call (914) 669-5317 ext. 3146, to book a space. Dinner starts at 6 p.m.

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