North Salem GOP Likes Romney Chances Against Obama

NORTH SALEM, N.Y. — Tuesday is presidential primary day in New York. Although four candidates are on the ballot, Mitt Romney has the nomination all but locked up. And North Salem Republicans are optimistic about Romney’s chances of beating President Barack Obama in the fall. 

Bill Monti, chairman of the North Salem Republican Committee, said, “Mitt has a message, and it’s beginning to resonate. We can’t have this unabetted spending. We must generate wealth, and the way to do that is by creating things that people want and need. We can’t just print money. If the message gets across to the people, people will see the difference between the two candidates.”

He added, “Unfortunately, New York hasn't had the benefit of debates, like other states have.”

Republican committee member Howard Hellwinkel said, “I’m scared because people are victims of the media. Whoever can spend the most money and run the most negative ads might win.

“Too many people rely on a government check in one form or another,” Hellwinkel added. "They might not vote with the greater good in mind, but in their own self interests.”

Hellwinkel also expressed concern about seats on the Supreme Court. “We might have three Supreme Court justices retiring next year,” he said. “If Obama is elected and [the Democratic Party] takes control of the Senate, we could well have a left-leaning Supreme Court. That would mean bigger government, more entitlements and more legislating from the bench — and a larger role for government to interfere in our lives.”

On the other hand, Hellwinkel said, “Romney would pick justices like Clarence Thomas, Judge [Antonin] Scalia and people who would interpret our constitution properly.”

Jack Gress, another Republican Committee member, said, “I would do anything possible to get anyone elected except Obama. I will work effortlessly to that goal. I want Obama out. My first choice would have been Newt [Gingrich], but it looks like it’s Mitt now.”

“I don’t think it’s going to be a close election,” Gress added. “Obama will lose by a large majority because he’s done such a poor job. If he tries running on what he’s been doing, he’s lost. If he runs on promises, like he did last time, he might win, but I don’t think he will. Because I’m working against him.”

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