
Stonehill Road, Bedford, NY

Missing A Peacock? This One Is Wandering Around In Northern Westchester Missing A Peacock? This One Is Wandering Around In Northern Westchester
Missing A Peacock? This One Is Wandering Around In Northern Westchester Click here for an updated story: Something To Crow About: Owner Reunited With Missing Northern Westchester Peacock Missing a peacock? Yep, a peacock. One Bedford resident sure hopes she can find the owner of the big guy who landed in the fields of her Stonehill Road farm on Sunday, April 14. "He was just wondering around and looks in good health like he is somebody's pet," said Judy Richter who found the big bird Sunday afternoon. The farm owner locked the bird in one of her large stalls so he wouldn't get hurt and hopes she find his owner, because, well, she does…